Saturday, January 24, 2015

Maybe you can just choose happy?

So I posed this question in my first post -

Can you just choose to be happy?

And BAM, the universe sends answers! Ok, so I am not quite so mystical and I want to believe in energy and karma and god in some form, but I am a cynic and a doubter. But this morning, I check Facebook and there it is:

So, according to neuroscience you can learn the skill of Happy.

I guess I am on the right track...

First time

So this is my first blog post. Daunting, to say the least. I have decided to blog the changes in my life, this year, 2015. 

Sometime in October, slightly tongue and cheek, I texted my cousin a message "So just thinking, and not to be too melodramatic, maybe 2014 could be the last year we are tired and miserable. "

She answered " I think that's a great plan. And not at all too melodramatic a statement!! So all facetiousness aside - I would love for that to be true. How can we make it happen?"

I though for a minute, and then asked "Not sure. Ummm. Maybe we could just decide to be happier? Can one do that?"

So this is why the blog, to see if a person can just decide to be happy. Since the New Year, I have begun to make small changes in my life. Nothing drastic, nothing crazy. I have just decided to try a few of the things I have been hearing and reading about that are supposed to help a person be happy. But most importantly, I have decided to be happy.